Immortals in The Everything

Immortals in The Everything

Immortals in The Everything Book 2 The Turned Gods Book Series Title: Immortals in The Everything
Series: The Turned Gods #2
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It was the type of cold that sunk into the bones. Deep darkness shielded by ancient footings squirming with night creatures. Climbing the slope brought into view, the bridge emanating its own eerie glow spun from diffracted light and hanging by a single thread for the entire span. It seemed impossible the way it hovered over the vast expanse of fast-moving water, as if physics held no influence here.

The turned have discovered a whole new perspective on life away from earth. Along with it, a whole new dilemma as well.

The expansion of the new race has its challenges. Not every species is pleased with their spread. But Grace and Ivan have embraced their purpose, and those who try to stand in their way won’t have an easy run.

It’s time for the inhabitants of The Everything to pick sides. The old ways are dying out, but not without some extreme resentment.

Get ready to dive into a fantastical world of immortal beings and mythological creatures in the second book of The Turned Gods series.


Published by: Coffee Gal Books
Release Date: 10/26/2019
Contributors: Joyce Serrano - Author
Genre: , ,
Pages: 310
ISBN13: 978-1-7340603-3-1
ASIN: 1734060336

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